

A MIME-type plugin for rendering JSON output from Jupyter notebooks to HTML

Outputs from Jupyter notebook code cells usually contain representations in one or multiple MIME types (image, text…). IPython provides multiple built-in output types, but not all of them have a representation for HTML, and fall back to a stringified version of the Python object.

This is the case for the application/json type:

It is nicely rendered in Jupyter because Jupyter includes a JSON renderer, but MyST-NB can only use IPython’s built-ins which display as <IPython.core.display.JSON object>.


Make sure Sphinx and myst-nb are installed, this package is meant to be used with them.

Install the Python package:

pip install myst-nb-json

It registers itself in MyST-NB via entry-points, so it is ready to use.


  1. Wrap output from code cells in the IPython JSON class.

    from IPython.display import JSON
    JSON({"key": "value"})
  2. When building documentation with Sphinx, the JSON output will be rendered as interactive tree, instead of displaying plain text.

    sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs/_build

    Or just the notebook with:

    mystnb-docutils-html example.ipynb > example.html

For more details, see examples.